PWM & switching power systems generate current harmonics which need reactors to block or attenuate unwanted PWM &harmonic current. Reactors both core & conductors have to work effectively for high frequency of PWM & harmonics & minimize the losses due to eddy currents. Here the serrated cores or thin lamination’s, powder iron, ferrite & thin conductors (less than skin effect depth) such as foils litz wires serrated conductors.
Heat dissipation to reduce the temperature rise, by providing air suitable ducts, forced air, Al clamps work as heat conduction.
Harmonic inductors reduce line notching. When Ac power converted in to DC by rectifier or SCR process of commutation results in notching depending on no of pulses & rectifiers.
Increase short circuit capacity by limiting the current during load side short circuit.
Also reduces nuisance power tripping in drives.
Improves True power factor.
The reducing harmonic enhances the load motor life as the result of less loss, less heat, less temp rise. Also mitigates motor bearing failure.
Depending on the noise and requirement of smooth out put the 3% to 14% reactors selected.
Input and output side reactors are used to attenuate the noise or harmonics.
Reactors are meant for reducing the noise and limiting the current in AC power systems, by single phase or three phase reactors or choke with suitable core and conductors.
Range: 1 to 1000KVR
Working Voltage s up to 1200V
Current rating 1 to 3000A
Winding Cu or Al Insulation: class H (180C) Working ambient -20 to 50C temp rise<115C